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Our NEW Perfect Benefits Magazine Reveals Problems With ACA Non-Compliance For Businesses

Read it to discover why your business might receive a hefty IRS penalty!

Click The Magazine Below To Get Your FREE Copy Of The PERFECT BENEFITS Magazine - March 2024 Edition To See How Your Business Can Comply With the Affordable Care Act.

+ The information could save your business $10's of 1,000's of dollars in penalties.

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You Must Be Wondering What's The Magazine Like?

Well, this Online Magazine is now available as an easy to read flipbook!

Here's A Quick Description Of What You'll Get

This is an Online Magazine made available as an easy to read and enjoy Flipbook.

  • The magazine is 26 pages

  • Dives into the little known ACA Non-Compliance issues

  • Understand the real danger and possibility of receiving Hefty Penalties.

  • Discover a relatively easy way to have Full Compliance

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You pay only $9.95 for shipping and handling in US ($19.95 international)

Who Is this Magazine For?

This magazine can inform any business on ACA Compliance issues. 

  • Small Businesses

  • Medium Sized Businesses

  • Large Sized Businesses

  • Franchises

  • Businesses With
    Multiple Locations

  • Businesses With Many Part-Time Workers

  • National Companies

  • USA Based Businesses

  • Growing Businesses

  • So If You're unsure about your business being in Full Compliance with the ACA, then you should get your own free copy today!

    Yes! I Want My Copy of Perfect Benefits Magazine

    Normally $19.95 - You get it today for free!

    Here's My Opening

    In the first issue, I felt impressed to really help companies steer to avoid unnecessary BIG Penalties from non-compliance with the ACA!

    Dear Reader:

    Right now, the landscape for businesses is changing each year with the U.S. Government requiring them to offer adequate healthcare coverage for their workers.

    In this issue we offer some basic information about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). By the way, every link and most images are clickable.

    I also stress the importance of you performing your own due diligence as the IRS will do everything possible to attain big fines and penalties.

    The easiest way for the IRS to do that is to check whether a business is complying with the ACA.

    This is a serious threat to your business and you should try to avoid these penalties or risk losing your business.


    Jesse Carter

    Every Business Leader, Director and Executive Manager Should Get Their Copy Of The Perfect Benefits Magazine.

    Maybe one of the best reads, for your year, to possibly keep from losing money.

    Don't Wait To Grab Your Copy Of  Perfect Benefits Before Your Business Gets A Penalty From The IRS.

    In this book I share why it may be likely that your company will get an ACA Non-Compliance Penalty Letter

    • The IRS just hired 88,000 New Agents.

    • The Government has a special "Spy Program" to help find individuals and businesses to punish

    • Major issue: Most businesses don't count their employees properly

    • Not using the proper forms could trigger an investigation

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